September 2019 - Present
My Role
Logo & Branding, Wireframe & Prototyping, Interface Design, Customer Discovery
Axure RP
Adobe XD
Adobe Illustrator
Molecular Augmented Reality for Design and Engineering (MADE):
Effectiveness of AR Models on Discovery, Learning, & Education
Project Brief
MADE is a Molecular Visualization System that aims to facilitate collaborations within an immersive augmented reality (AR) environment.
The visualization tool will be integrated into design, optimization, engineering, and investigation of biological and chemical systems. The Molecular Visualization System will be implemented for mobile phones and Microsoft’s HoloLens 2, using graphical user interface elements, interactive hand gestures, and 3D models of chemical structures.
It will aid in the understanding of chemical processes that take place on a molecular scale and then transform these processes into an AR platform cultivating shared experiences. Essentially this interactive tool will assist users in the exploration of biomolecules and will facilitate collaborations for scientific visualizations.
Our Team & My Role
Our cross disciplinary team consists of Dr. Hyejin Hannah Kum-Biocca (PI), Dr. Edgardo Farinas (co-PI), industry mentor: Dr. Frederick Lee, and entrepreneurial lead: myself, Nisha Mistry.
MADE is a research project that I started working on during my time at New Jersey Institute of Technology. My role is to conduct and create user experience (UX) research and the user interface (UI) design for the Molecular Visualization Software on mobile phones and HoloLens.
Magic Leap Demo
This demo is our first iteration of displaying the Molecular Visualization System using the Magic Leap system. Users can interact with the molecular structure while wearing a headset and using a controller to rotate the structure and zoom in/zoom out on details of the model.
Development is currently underway for the Molecular Visualization System for Microsoft's HoloLens 2. Check back for updates!
Kum-Biocca H.H., Farinas E.T., Mistry N., Wan Y. (2020) Molecular Augmented Reality for Design and Engineering (MADE): Effectiveness of AR Models on Discovery, Learning, and Education. In: Stephanidis C., Antona M., Ntoa S. (eds) HCI International 2020 – Late Breaking Posters. HCII 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1294. Springer, Cham.
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